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Activities Programming: Person-Centered Approaches

Individuals living in the long-term care setting need meaningful activities to improve their quality of life in the day-to-day routine. A lack of stimulation and interaction can lead to boredom and depression, which, in turn, can lead to other health problems. This educational activity explores the value of activities and ways to adapt them to make them person-centered.


Additional Course Information

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will be able to:

  1. Define four (4) characteristics of a good activity program.
  2. Identify four (4) forms of activity programs.
    3. Select three (3) activity adaptations to meet participant needs.

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will demonstrate knowledge about the value of a personcentered activities program by passing a quiz with a score of 85% or greater accuracy.


Deanna Hodges, OTR/L, ATP, Dementia Care Specialist

Deanna has been practicing occupational therapy for over 35 years. She currently works in acute care at Mayo Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to acute care, she worked for over 25 years in long term care and short-term rehabilitation. Currently a Dementia Care Specialist, she is an instructor and practitioner in the utilization of the assessment of cognitive skill levels and in the provision of treatment techniques to enable the patients and residents to perform at their best ability to function in activities of daily living.

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