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Clinical Hospice: Cultural and Spiritual Considerations

The purpose of this educational activity is to
enable the learner to identify to identify cultural and spiritual implications when providing end-of-life services.


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Learning Objectives

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will be able to:

  1. List two (2) purposes of cultural rituals and customs.
  2. List three (3) forms of spiritual care in hospice programs.
  3. Identify the difference between cultural competence and cultural humility.

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will demonstrate knowledge about cultural and spiritual considerations in hospice care by passing a quiz with a score of 85% or greater accuracy.


Marc A. Markell, Ph.D., CT

Marc Markell is a professor at St. Cloud State
University.  He earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota.  His primary areas of interest at St. Cloud State include teaching academic progress monitoring, literacy methods and strategies for students with special needs, behavior management, human Relations, and grief and loss education. He also supervises student teachers. Marc teaches graduate level courses Psychology of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. Has written three books, several chapters, and many articles on issues related to diversity, oppression, grief, and academics.

Clinical Hospice: Cultural and Spiritual Considerations - Healthcare Academy
Healthcare Academy

Clinical Hospice: Cultural and Spiritual Considerations


Spiritual and cultural health interventions are part of a person-centered, comprehensive plan of care.  The diverse population of individuals living in long-term care settings requires that all healthcare workers be aware of, identify and address these needs.  Individuals at end-of-life deserve these same considerations.  This educational activity targeted for nurses and social workers will identify spiritual and religious/cultural practices that can be incorporated to assist individuals at end-of-life to find hope and alleviate spiritual distress and suffering.

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