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Assisting with Self-Administered Medication

This learning activity outlines safe practices associated with assisting residents with self-administered medications.


Additional Course Information

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will be able to:

  1. Identify two (2) key concepts when assisting with self-administered medication.
  2. Select two (2) tasks involved in assisting with self-administered medication.
  3. Choose two (2) concerns when assisting with self-administered medication.

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this educational activity, the learner will be able to demonstrate knowledge about assistance with self- administered medications by passing a quiz with 85% or greater accuracy.


Wendy Mohlman, MS-RN, C-AL, CNEn

Wendy Mohlman, MS-RN, C-AL, CNEn, has dedicated her nursing career to serving older adults in long-term care and hospice, as well as spending over ten years in assisted living and memory care as a wellness director, corporate regional clinical director, and compliance nurse. While working in compliance, Wendy conducted investigations related to clinical concerns, developed state-specific mock-survey tools and performed audits to prepare ALFs for their annual surveys. She spent much time providing education related to best practices for ALF leadership and staff. Passionate about education, Wendy published an article related to end-of-life education and training for ALF caregivers. She holds a master’s degree in Gerontology from the University of Utah College of Nursing and is pursuing a doctorate in nursing education. She has taught pre-licensure nursing students at a local nursing college and obtained a certification as a nurse educator. She is serving as the Assisted Living Clinical Manager for Healthcare Academy.

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